Sample Video Questions

7 Aug 2024 3 min read No comments Uncategorized

Creating Your Video Recordings

The attraction of is YOU, the owner, managers, salespeople and support staff!  Your videos should allow viewers to see the personalities they may encounter in your business in an informal, natural way.  “Selfies” are not just for other social media anymore!  The length of uploaded videos should be kept under 90 seconds.  Keep in mind that videos can be taken wherever and however you feel comfortable, not necessarily at the office.  The following questions are just suggestions to spur your creativity.  Have fun and be yourself, and your audience will have fun, too!

Answer all these questions on the basic feature video:

  • What is your name and position in your business,
  • What is your business name and address,
  • What is your background and the company’s history,
  • What kind of products do you have,
  • What are your business hours, your phone number, website and email address?

What appeals to you about the industry in general and why did you get into it?

  • What interesting or trivial facts can you offer about your business, its founders or the industry in general, good or bad?
  • What true/false beliefs, assumptions or expectations circulate about your company or the industry?
  • How do you feel about the way your company or industry is portrayed in the media, how are you different?
  • Any corrections you would like to make concerning the reputation or advertising about your industry/products?

Describe the kind and quality of your products/services, the most popular?

  • What makes your products/services unique or stand out from average expectations?
  • The famous reputation or influence of your products/services
  • The local reputation, influence or local favorites you represent
  • The feedback you get, the media attention
  • Your sales, coupons, special offers, features
  • The events or local community activities or sponsorships you support
  • Your website or app?



What in your history led you to work here?

Why did you decide to sell this particular product? Examples?

What do you like most about your employer?

What personality traits work best at your job?

What is the hardest part of your job?

You’ve heard of “fast talking closers” that have the “used car salesman” reputation, so how is your selling style different?

Do you have a mentor, and can you share what you learned from him/her that made a real difference?

What inspires you and “makes your day” at work?

When you recommend your business to others, what do you say?

What makes you and your business stand apart from other similar businesses?

Do you have any favorite stories or lessons learned about customers?

What is your favorite success story about how you helped a customer get what they wanted?



What is in your history that led you to a management position here?

How does managing here differ from your previous experience somewhere else?

What are the top qualities you teach to your salespeople?

What are the greatest challenges you face regarding your goals here?

What makes you love your job most?

Can you describe an incident where your management decision made a customer extremely happy?

What top advantages do you offer for customers that they won’t find anywhere else?

Do you have a favorite list of “never do” or “always do” regarding your salespeople?

What would worry you most about things at work if you had to stay home due to sickness?



What in your history led to owning this business?

Do you have any special tributes to people who helped you succeed?

Do you have an overall philosophy that you want your employees to keep in mind?

What would you like the public to keep on top of their mind about your business?

What makes your business unique from the competition?

What factors have contributed most to your success?

Do you offer any special buying incentives or special occasions for customers?

Can you describe your greatest landmarks or accomplishment(s)?

What are your future goals for the business?

What do you say to people who come to you for the “special deal” not generally available?

Are you a workaholic or do you make sure you get your rest and relaxation?

What do you do for fun when you want to take a break from the business?


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